Biden’s Middle East Chaos: Our Dangerous Path to the Next 9/11 | Glenn TV | Ep 133

Published on Sep 9, 2021
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“Never forget” is not only a tribute to those we’ve lost, it’s a warning that it could happen AGAIN. Glenn looks back 20 years ago to the modern generation’s Pearl Harbor moment. A day of infamy we’re STILL feeling repercussions from. But in remembering 9/11, we need to look towards the future because the Biden administration is setting us up for the NEXT 9/11. They bungled the Afghanistan withdrawal, and now we have video of top Al Qaeda commanders - who served with Osama bin Laden - returning to the country. But could America survive another terror attack? Glenn asks Mayor Rudy Giuliani, the leader who brought America back from the brink. He tells Glenn about the moment he learned the Twin Towers were struck, the actions he took to prevent more terrorism, and if NYC could survive another attack under Mayor DeBlasio’s leadership. Glenn is also joined by Rev. Johnnie Moore, author of “The Next Jihad.” He warns that Biden’s policies in the Middle East are Obama 2.0, and “if you thought ISIS was bad, you haven’t seen anything yet. We must keep our eyes on Iran.”

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