JUST IN: Sarah Huckabee Sanders announces Arkansas gubernatorial campaign

Published on Feb 7, 2021
Former White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders formally announced on Monday that she will run for governor of Arkansas.

In a video message posted to her campaign website, Sanders invoked threats made against her life during her time in the Trump administration in an appeal to voters in the deeply red state.

"To remain free, we must have law and order and resolve our differences peacefully," Sanders said. "The radical left's solution is to impose government control and censorship from the top down."

Sanders, a Republican whose father was governor of the state, told Arkansans their governor is a "last line of defense" with Democrats taking control of the White House and Senate in recent elections.

"As governor, I will defend your right to be free of socialism and tyranny, your Second Amendment right, your freedom of speech and religious liberty," she said.

You can read more here: https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/535632-sarah-huckabee-sanders-announces-gubernatorial-campaign



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