Is Another FBI Raid Coming — but for President Biden?

Published on Jan 19, 2023
We continue to learn more and more about the classified materials found at Joe Biden's home. We now know that the FBI determined that the president’s lawyers can be trusted to search his homes for more classified materials. Why is there a double standard? President Biden also continues to divide the nation by calling Republicans “fiscally demented” for criticizing his tax-and-spend policies. Geraldo Rivera took to Fox News and said on LIVE television that “AR” stands for “automatic rifle.” Well, Sara Gonzales has a quick educational message for Geraldo and everyone else who believes that the "AR" in “AR-15” stands for “automatic rifle.” Why does he even have a job? Project Veritas is at it again after it caught Dr. Quintin Bostic, a teaching activist, boasting about how he sells illegal CRT curriculum to schools in Georgia and making fun of Gov. Brian Kemp. Why is the Left so obsessed with destroying our children? New footage shows that climate activist Greta Thunberg might have “staged” her arrest at a coal-mining town in western Germany. Why is Greta still relevant?

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