BIDEN’S WAR ON ENERGY: Phil Kerpen Brings The Facts About Taxing Energy At This Time

Published on Jun 24, 2022
Dana (@DLoesch/@DanaLoeschRadio) is joined by Phil Kerpen (@kerpen), President of American Commitment (@AmerComm) and President of The Committee to Unleash Prosperity (@Comm4Prosperity), on Biden’s war on energy. Biden and Dems are seeing the writing on the wall that the midterm elections will wipe them out of power, so they’re doing everything they can to make ‘big oil’ or ‘Putin’ or ‘Republicans’ as the enemy and the problem - in order to usher in MORE TAXES on energy, while we are experiencing the highest energy prices in DECADES. Biden campaigned for MONTHS on PROMISING to END the oil companies ability to drill on public lands - and to “end drilling, PERIOD.” The video proof:

The driver of new energy production isn’t ‘Big Oil’ or ‘Evil Corporations’ - Phil explains how smaller companies are struggling while Biden continues to over regulate as he keeps his campaign promises. Adding taxes to already inflated energy costs is a horrible fiscal idea - see Phil’s op-ed on it:

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