WAR ON PARENTS: Senator Josh Hawley On AG Garland Weaponizing DOJ Against Concerned Parents

Published on Oct 14, 2021
Dana (@DLoesch) talks with Missouri Senator Josh Hawley (@HawleyMO) on the recent letter from AG Merrick Garland directing the DOJ and FBI to monitor and target concerned parents by labeling them as potential ‘domestic terrorists’, in order to chill free speech. Everyone agrees that violence is wrong and illegal, but it’s also agreed that targeting concerned parents is an intimidation technique used by the government in order to shut down dissent.

What’s even more amazing (but not surprising) is that Merrick Garland’s daughter is married to the Co-Founder of the company responsible for distributing CRT educational material to US schools (Panorama Education) - the NY Post wrote about this conflict of interest: https://nypost.com/2021/10/06/parents-group-garland-has-conflict-of-interest-with-facebook/

The Left supports the idea of government categorizing parents as ‘harassers’ or ‘domestic terrorists’ and weaponizing the DOJ against them when those parents are just concerned and speak up against authoritarian school boards or public officials, but somehow also think it’s ok to film and harass public officials in bathrooms (Kyrsten Sinema) - The Left makes no logical sense, and it’s clear that not only are THEY the facists, but they’re also comfortable with weaponizing government agencies against their political opponents.

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